eagle-i Texas Southern UniversityTexas Southern University

Laboratories at Texas Southern University

This is a summary list of all laboratories at Texas Southern University . The list includes links to more detailed information, which may also be found using the eagle-i search app.

C. Elegans Laboratory

Gray Hall Lab 152

Infectious Disease Drug Discovery Lab


This laboratory specializes in the identification of novel anti-infectives using drug screening techniques.


Ophthalmic Pharmacology Laboratory


Dr. Ohia's lab is an Ophthalmic Pharmacology Laboratory equipped for both pharmacology and biochemistry studies. Research goals include (1) studying the pharmacology of receptors that regulate the release of neurotransmitters in ocular tissues and (2) Identifying and characterizing potential target sites important in the therapy of eye diseases.

Scanning Electron Microscope Room

TMC Lab 221

Found 7   laboratories .

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